Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Our Anniversary

Well, here is the first day and I am already cheating. Not that I won't be posting a photo but will be posting 4!!! Maybe next year is a leap year so I am allowed an extra one and because it is my anniversary, I am allowed an extra one and it is my project so just decided, I don't need to stick to the photo a day rule! For today any way. Besides, could not really decide and that was due to 25 years ago, wedding photography was not as creative, spontaneous and moment capturing as it is today.

I rather enjoyed taking photos of my wedding dress. I hung in the window for some drama of back lighting. Thought I should use my flash but not directly, so bounced it off the ceiling or off my wonderful yellow walls. Cool, I thought.

Off to down load, photoshop and viola!

Some interesting bits of information about my wedding dress. Bernie and I got engaged March 9, 1985. I was heading off on a student exchange on May 12, same year. We decided to get married that September. So with finals looming, a big 6 week exchange trip to Ukraine, it was actually amazing I had found my dress when I did.

I was moving out of my apartment. No need to spend money when I would be gone for almost two months. Mom and I finished up and I suggested we should go looking for dresses. Off to the only store I knew how to get to. I picked out one dress, the one hanging in my living room today, mom picked one out and we sort of agreed on a third. I put on my choice. Wow! Loved it and I looked awesome in it. Tried the other two and have definitely deleted those memories.

So, now for the price. Wedding dresses at the time ranged from $100 - $200 maybe the odd one at $250. Mine, which is hanging in my living room, $600. Yep, I choose a designer gown from New York. Put it on hold. Talked to dad, took him so he could see how amazing I looked in it and persuade him to buy. Oh, ya, Bernie was there too! I am hung up and a whole lot of different tradition and seeing the bride in her dress was not one of them.

Divorce was not a new thing with people we already knew at the time so I figured that if so many brides really believed that it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress, than I totally challenged bad luck head on. Not really, it was a superstition I just did not believe in. We, Bernie and I also saw each other the morning of our marriage. We went to the city to get our hair done and me my make up. We also walked up and down the isle together, walked into church together. This was very radical for many of the guests at our wedding which I wonder if any of them even remember any of this today how we went so against the grain of what is considered traditional.

Does it matter? No, marriage is what the couple makes their life to be.

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